About the Program
“Raiders Together” is a program focused on increasing community involvement and togetherness by reaching out to the feeder schools of East High. The main goal of this program is to enhance every student’s educational experience through participation in school activities and events. We want the feeder students to feel like they have a sense of belonging not only to their school but to the greater East High community. “Raiders Together” hands out roughly 3,700 “Raiders Together” t-shirts to every student in an East High feeder school each year. These shirts allow students to enter East High activities and events for free. “Raiders Together” also puts on two pep rallies at each East High feeder school during the course of the school year. These rallies connect students in the East High community. “Raiders Together” has been active for over 10 years.
Raiders of Character
At the second pep rally of the year at each school, “Raiders Together” also recognizes some exceptional students from East feeder schools as “Raiders of Character.” Teachers and administration from the each East High feeder school select students for the recognition based on the criteria within the RAIDERS acronym:
S-School Spirit
Each “Raider of Character” is awarded a certificate in front of their own student body during the pep rally and honored at an East High basketball home game.
Meet the Advisor
Jeffrey L. Jepsen
Send Jeffrey L. Jepsen a Message
Students in Action